10th Anniversary of French Concert Hall Featuring Huge Duratruss Rig

French concert hall ‘Le Bascala’ in Bruguières north of Toulouse chose their regular service provider LIVE SOLUTIONS, to design the technical and artistic realization of the 10th Anniversary Party of Le Bascala. In addition to the on-stage totems, truss for stage lighting and the LED wall support, they created a massive 6-meter Duratruss circle to create a spectacular centerpiece with mirror balls and ADJ moving heads for the celebration earlier this month.
The 700m2 Le Bascala concert hall has been designed to accommodate 840 seated and up to 1,800 standing guests. It is the go-to location that offers locals a wide range of cultural programs, including dance, theatre, and stand-up comedy, as well as classical and contemporary music concerts. On October 2nd 2021, the venue celebrated its 10th anniversary with local artists Delight Music and DJ Goldmaster. Event professional Mikaël Nomikos and his company LIVE SOLUTIONS was brought in to supply and design the full installation of trussing, light and sound. In turn, Mikaël reached out to Duratruss customer David Decaunes from LES RYTHMES DE LA NUIT and Kévin Antoine from KA Rythmes Event who supplied the video, additional lighting and special effects, and worked collaboratively with him to make the event a success. Mikaël took responsibility for the sound, while Kevin designed and operated the video system, David Puyoou designed and operated the lighting rig, and LES RYTHMES DE LA NUIT supplied the necessary equipment to bolster the venue’s house rig.

For the circle they used eight parts of the DT 34/2-Circle Part-6m-45dgr. to make a strong round truss circle capable of handling a high load. To be able to hang the central mirror ball and have more creative space, they also added a central span constructed from three DT33/2-200 triangle trussing parts on top of the circle.
On stage they chose to build four totems with the sturdy DT-BPS 8080 baseplates and DT 34/2-200 trussing plus DT 34 Box Corners to create a steady base for moving heads. The rig above the stage comprised two 12-meter spans of DT 34/2 square trussing, which were powder coated in black to be less visible in the stage design.

To safely support the lower LED screen in the back of the stage, they made use of four pieces of the DT U-Frame 100. The use of the portable U-Frame system made it possible to hang the screen exactly at the desired height, without the need to use regular trussing. Finally, to extend the style from the stage to the hall, and combine atmospheric and functional lighting, they made an arch with DT-34/2 quad truss around the bar, supporting LED pars, LED bars, and further mirror balls.
For hanging the lights, DT Selflock Clamps where used. The DT Selflock Clamp is a handy coupler that makes hanging heavy lights an easy and quick job. The U-Frames for the video panels were attached to the truss using heavy-duty DT PRO Clamps with Halfcone 300kg connectors.

Le Bascala
12 Rue de la Briqueterie, 31150
Bruguieres, France
Duratruss Dealer
Truss & Sound
Mikaël Nomikos – LIVE SOLUTIONS
David Puyoou
Kevin Antoine – KA Rythmes Event
Light & Video Assistants
David Decaunes
Vincent Favier
Gear List
8 x DT 34/2-Circle Part-6m-45dgr
24m DT 34/2 Black
4 x DT 34/2-300
4 x DT 34/2-200
1 x DT 34/2-100
6 x DT 34-Box Corner
8 x DT-BPS 8080
2 x DT 33/2-300
4 x DT U-Frame 100
DT Selflock Clamps
DT PRO Clamps with Halfcone 300kg
8 x ADJ Vizi Beam RXONE
8 x ADJ Vizi Hybrid 16RX
50 x ADJ AV4IP LED Panel
24 x ADJ AV6 LED Panel
1 x Elation Zeus Server